A place for prayer

Dear friends,

I’ve created this site especially for people who needed to receive blessing, healing, comfort, peace, hope and love from God. Regardless of what the situation or circumstances you're in (be it work, business, relation or personal), this place allows you to pour out your heart to God.

You are welcome to jot down some of your daily greivances or frustration here no matter how major or minor it might be. Pour, splash, drop it... whatever way you might use, so long they are out of your chest and onto this site. Next, write down a short request of what/how you would want God to help you. Then pray to Him like you were a little child crying and running to your Father for help. Once you've done all that, believe that everything is taken care of and wait patiently. There... that should do for your prayer request or should I say soul aid(first aid to your soul).

Beside making your prayer request here, you are encourage to intercede for others in prayer by reading through some of the prayer requests and utter a word of prayer. Let me explain why you need to do that... when you first write down your prayer request you're actually commiting your problems in writing to God. This allow you to come back regularly to read what you've written and pray to God until you see something change. When you pray for others you are helping to amplify and expedite their prayer requests to heaven's door, similarly others will do likewise for you.

It is my wish to make this a platform for people to come together to help one another with their prayers, making it a concerted effort to constantly communicate with God. Allowing those who are sick, troubled, lost, grief, stressed, and even the joyful ones to pray to Him and experience for themselves how our Creator can manifest and change lives even through internet... something that has taken away much of our time from praying to Him.

Prayerfully I'm confident that most of your prayer requests will be answered when you sincerely reach out to God. Having said that, I would also like to see a short testimony of your account after receiving His blessings in your life. This I believe is truly the best way to show our gratitude by sharing our faith in bringing glory to Him.

Thank you for your time and supports in making God's works possible here.

May God bless you abundantly.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

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